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Ikarus 260.04 #401

? - Kraków, ul. Brożka. Wydaje mi sie ze ta 260 stoi w tym samym miejscu co ta gazowa peerka. Foto: Jane's Urban Transport Systems, 1989.

Comments: 4

Jelcz PR110U #21131

? - Kraków, ul. Brożka. O, ten autobus juz ma tu fotke. Skan z ksiazki: Jane's Urban Transport Systems, 1989.

Gillig Advantage 40'''' #551

1 august 2009 - Lexington, Kentucky. Czasu bylo malo ale trudno robic zdjecia w malym miastach jak sie wpadnie miedzy sabatami.

Gillig LF 40 #2147

1 august 2009 - Cincinnati, East 4th Street.

Gillig LF 40' #2105

1 august 2009 - Cincinnati, West 4th Street.

Gillig BRT LF 40' #887

1 august 2009 - Cincinnati, E 4th Street. Dodalem jako Phantom, ale chyba to jest inny typ.

Gillig HEV LF 40' #604

1 august 2009 - Cincinnati, East 5th Street & Vine Street. Gilling on the 2X route to CVG in Kentucky.

Gillig LF 40' #6014

1 august 2009 - Cincinnati, Walnut Street & 5th Street. A few photos during a short stay through Cincinnati.

Comments: 1

New Flyer DE40LF #8027

1 august 2009 - Cincinnato, Walnut Street & 5th Street. Cinci's debut on TWB. One of the newest vehicles in SORTA's fllet: the Gillig hybrid.

Škoda 14Tr13/6 #1631

23 july 2005 - Wilno, Arsenalska. Cale szczescie ze reklamy w Wilnie wisza dlugo; mozna rozpoznac wozy!

Škoda 14Tr02 #1509

23 july 2005 - Wilno, Arsenalska.

Škoda 14Tr17/6M #1655

23 july 2005 - Wilno, Wroblewskiego.

Comments: 3

Solaris Trollino 15AC #2685

24 july 2005 - Wilno, ul. Kowienska.

Škoda 14Tr02 #2549

22 july 2005 - Wilno, ul. Kowienska. Fartem udalo sie zrobic fotke wozu ktory jeszcze tejze nie mial.

Comments: 2

Škoda 14Tr02 #1543

24 july 2005 - Vilnius. When others shop, its time for taking photos.

Škoda 14Tr13/6 #1618

23 july 2005 - Vilnius, next to Polonia House. Rather a nice place to stay.

Comments: 2

Škoda 14Tr13/6 #1636

24 july 2005 - Vilnius, terminal of route 13, where Kaunas, Smolensk and...[____] streets meet. Help with the third street name?

Comments: 2

Karosa B832.1662 #214

24 july 2005 - Wilno, jak po polsku bedzie ta nazwa ulicy? Jedyna solowka ktora udalo mi sie strzelic.

Comments: 2

Karosa B741.1920 #128

24 july 2005 - Vilnius, terminal near the Rimi supermarket.

Comments: 2

Karosa B741.1920 #128

24 july 2005 - Vilnius, terminal near the Rimi supermarket.

Solaris Trollino 15AC #2691

22 july 2005 - Vilnius, on the way to the central railway station. First steps in Vilnius. What a beautiful city!

Comments: 3

Volvo 7700 #720

23 july 2005 - Vilnius, Maironisa street. JacekM was here! And the same vehicle, four years apart :-).

Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz O530 #158

23 july 2005 - Vilnius, next to Cathedral. On a group loo break, I caught a few buses in front of my lens.

Author: geosunday RSS

Comments: 1

Mercedes-Benz O520 #27

23 july 2005 - Vilnius, with the Cathedral in the background. I forgot what its name is, can anyone help?

Author: geosunday RSS

Comments: 2

MAN SM182 #642

23 july 2005 - Vilnius, in front of the beginning of the Gate of Dawn Way.

Comments: 3

Ikarus 260.37 #610

23 july 2005 - Wilno, przed dworcem kolejowym. Tradycyjne zdjecie po wyjsciu z pociagu? A jednak nie, bo przyjechalismy wozem, jednak pokierowalem nie-MKMowych towarzyszy pod dworzec nie dajac poznac w jakim celu. ;-) A przy okazji zlapalem woz ktorego juz nie ma i do tej pory fotki nie mail. Ale fart.

Comments: 4

Autosan H9-20 #136

24 july 2005 - Vilnius, next to the Polonia House. Not often do you see Polish-made buses in foreign lands.

Comments: 1

Gillig LF 35'''' #2826

26 may 2009 - Durham, West Chapel Hill Street x South Duke Street. Triangle Transit łączy trzy powiaty (Wake, Durham i Orange) w tym trzy główne miasta (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill). Nazwa pochodzi od Research Triangle, czyli regionu "High-tech". nr. 400 :)

Comments: 2

Gillig LF 40'''' #0325

26 may 2009 - Durham, Willard Street. Trochę kropiło ;-)

Comments: 1

Gillig Phantom 30 #0005

26 may 2009 - Durham. Dzienna komunikacja miejska zorganizowana jest jak nocna w większych miastach: z sabatami w centralnym punkcie.

Comments: 1

Gillig Phantom 30 #0002

26 may 2009 - Durham. Produkcja Phantom'ów została zakończona w 2008r. Tutaj najkrótsza wersja.

Gillig LF 40'''' #0501

26 may 2009 - Durham, East Main Street. Robienie fot polegało na wyskakiwaniu z samochodu między przerwami w deszczu.

Comments: 1

Gillig LF 40'''' #0322

26 may 2009 - Durham, West Pettigrew Street. Gilligi zjeżdzaja na sabat.

Comments: 1

Gillig Phantom 35 #775

26 may 2009 - Chapel Hill, East Franklin Street. This operator has 83 vehicles serving 31 fixed routes.

Comments: 1

Gillig Phantom 35 #768

26 may 2009 - Chapel Hill, Columbus Street x Franklin Street. This 1982 model was produced by GMC, though RTS's were later produced by TMC and NovaBus.

Comments: 1

Nova Bus RTS-06 T80-206 #748

26 may 2009 - Chapel Hill, East Franklin Street. Chapel Hill Transit is a free-fare system since 2002. It has a budget of $11 million and carried over 5.7 million passengers in 2004-2005.

Comments: 5

Nova Bus RTS-06 #735

26 may 2009 - Chapel Hill, Columbia Street x Franklin Street. The exact center of the city as you can see from the street names. The city is home to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It was established in 1789 with students first enrolling in 1795. This makes it the oldest public university in the US.

Orion 05.503 #DU-670

26 may 2009 - Durham, LaSalle Street. Uniwersytecki przewożnik posiada ponad 30 wozów obsługujących 13 linii po kampusie.

Comments: 1

Orion 05.503 #DU-665

26 may 2009 - Durham, West Circuit Drive. A private research university, Duke University was established in 1838 in the town of Trinity and moved to Durham in 1892. The name comes from Washington Duke, the father of James Buchanan Duke who established the Duke Endowment in 1924. In 2008, Duke was ranked as the 13th best university in the world. Of course, Duke is not all about academics. This is the home of the Blue Devils and their basketball team is the best known. The team is coached by Polish-American Mike Krzyzewski aka "Coach K."

Autosan H9-35 #035

26 july 2005 - Biała Podlaska, ul. Brzegowa, wyjazd z zajezdni. Sama klasyka! Dziewiona i wiata! Szkoda że nie było imprezy w BP z H9ką.

Comments: 2

Autosan H9-35 #008

7 august 2007 - Biała Podlaska, pętla Sidorska. Zostały jakieś H9ki jeszcze?

Comments: 3

Autosan H9-35 #003

26 july 2005 - Biała Podlaska, ul. Kraszewskiego. Dziewiona po liftingu.

Autosan H9-35 #008

26 july 2005 - Sławacinek. Dobrze ustawiłem mapkę?

Autosan H9-35 #009

7 august 2007 - Biała Podlaska, Warszawska x Spółdzielcza.

Autosan H9-35 #012

26 july 2005 - Biała Podlaska, ul. Narutowicza. Niner classic!

Comments: 4

Autosan H9-35 #032

26 july 2005 - Biała Podlaska, aleja Tysiąclecia. Hadziewiątka ma coś w sobie :-)

Autosan H9-35 #012

22 december 2006 - Biała Podlaska, ul. Narutowicza. Centralny kiosk w całej okazałości.

Comments: 2

Jelcz M101I3 #071

7 august 2007 - Biała Podlaska, ul. Orzechowa. Bialskie linie jeszcze przed zmiana oznaczeń.

Jelcz M081MB #061

26 july 2005 - Grabanów. Klimatyczne te podmiejskie linie MZK BP.

Autosan H6-06 #045

16 july 2005 - Biała Podlaska, ul. Narutowicza. Efemeryczny melon na efemerycznej linii.

Comments: 1

Jelcz M11 #018

22 december 2006 - Biała Podlaska, ul. Narutowicza. Osiemnastka jeszcze fotki nie miała.

Comments: 2

Jelcz M11 #028

26 july 2005 - Biała Podlaska, zajezdnia. #28 to ten z lewej.

Jelcz 120M #054

26 july 2005 - Biała Podlaska, ul. Narutowicza.

Jelcz T081MB #LB 04541

26 july 2005 - Biała Podlaska, ul. Sidorska x Kolejowa.

Mercedes-Benz O520 #LB 07294

22 december 2005 - Biała Podlaska, Kraszewskiego street. Default place for photos, but this time in winter.

Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz O520 #LB 07294

26 july 2005 - Biała Podlaska, Kraszewskiego street. Is this Cito in Podlasie or Lublin area?

Ikarus 280.26 #1811

15 august 2005 - Lublin, ul. Królewska.

Author: geosunday RSS
Place: Lublin (Lubelskie) | Owner: MPK Lublin | Route: 39

Comments: 1

Ikarus 280.26 #1967

15 august 2005 - Lublin, Kapucyńska x Krakowskie Przedmieście.

Author: geosunday RSS
Place: Lublin (Lubelskie) | Owner: MPK Lublin | Route: 26

Comments: 2

Ikarus 260 #1966

15 august 2005 - Lublin, Królewska street. No pic before 2006? Well, there is one now. :-)

Author: geosunday RSS
Place: Lublin (Lubelskie) | Owner: MPK Lublin | Route: 26

Comments: 2

Ikarus 280.26 #1846

15 august 2005 - Lublin, Królewska street. Are all 260's made from 280s?

Author: geosunday RSS
Place: Lublin (Lubelskie) | Owner: MPK Lublin | Route: 7

Comments: 3