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MAN NG363 Lion\`s City G #A240

11 june 2009 - Warszawa, Marymont loop. The storm is coming.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: Michalczewski Radom | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa | Route: 508

Comments: 4

Scania CN270UB 4x2 EB #A511

21 july 2009 - Warszawa, pętla Os. Kabaty. So you say there should be more things above than below the bus in the picture?

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: PKS Grodzisk Mazowiecki | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa

Comments: 14

Ikarus 280.26 #344

11 july 2009 - Częstochowa, zajezdnia MPK. Biel dominuje.

Comments: 3

Jelcz M11 #35

11 july 2009 - Czestochowa, MPK depot. A row of Jelcz M11 buses is a rare view nowadays.

Comments: 1

Ikarus 280.02 #288

11 july 2009 - Czestochowa neighbourhood. If you want to take a good photograph during bus fans party, you should watch where everybody's going and go opposite way.

Comments: 3

Solaris Urbino 18 #8139

24 june 2009 - Warszawa, Warynskiego street. There are 352 solo and articulated Solaris buses with DAF Paccar PR engine. You may read some more about this engine in my article here, however, it's available only in Polish. For English readers there is only an official DAF info sheet.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa

Comments: 2

ЛАЗ 42072 #260-30 TA

14 august 2005 - Lublin, suburban bus station. Such a vehicle appeared on this international line regularly.

Jelcz PR110D Lux #40105

27 november 2005 - Lublin, dworzec PKS. Ale to był sprzęt!

Comments: 8

Jelcz M11 #215

21 march 2005 - Lublin, Krakowskie Przedmiescie street. This company replaces old M11s with other M11s, bought from other operators.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Lublin (Lubelskie) | Owner: Jarosz Lublin | Transport Authority: MKP Lublin | Route: 18

Comments: 2

Jelcz 043

24 october 2004 - Glebokie near Ostrow Lubelski. Such a pretty bus stood on one of parcels.

Comments: 4

Autosan H9-21 #LUJ 1419

14 october 2004 - Lublin, al. Warszawska. Tą niekursującą już dziewiątkę Kozioła dodaję w ramach uzupełnienia.

Comments: 9

Jelcz M081MB #057

22 june 2009 - Siedlce, Wojskowa street. Jelcz M081MB is one of 12 types in MPK fleet. Quite a few types as for such small company! MPK owns only 3 minibuses.

Comments: 1

Jelcz 120M #042

22 june 2009 - Siedlce, Kolejowa street, a loop next to train station. Buses in Siedlce gather like witches on sabbath, however, nobody knows the purpose, because they begin to depart before two local trains arrive.

Comments: 3

Jelcz 120M #042

22 june 2009 - Siedlce, Kolejowa street. Jelcz sat on the kerbstone and began quite too long interval.

Jelcz PR110M #003

22 june 2009 - Siedlce, Pilsudskiego street. A nice PR110 interior. The bus has just departured. There are no passengers inside - just as usual here. The biggest amount I saw was 20 people. You will certainly notice two types validators - why didn`t they buy two-mode validators just to replace old ones? Now, they still have to repair these old equipment.

MAN NL222 #055

22 june 2009 - Siedlce, Brzeska street. I placed the advertisement post in capture on purpose. As there are too many bus lines, which run too rare, the inhabitants of Siedlce bought their own cars and now use them every time.

Comments: 4

Ikarus 280.70E #044

22 june 2009 - Siedlce, MPK depot. Surprisingly, the first line I chose went to MPK depot. Although I did not manage to enter it, I took the opportunity to take pictures through the fence.

Comments: 4

MAN NG313 #060

22 june 2009 - Siedlce, Pilsudskiego street. An articulated MAN in Siedlce - used to carry air! There are 35 bus lines in this city of 80 thousand inhabitants. Of course, majority of them appear in the streets not more frequently than 4 times a day. The ''best line'' runs every 20 minutes. This creates a PKS-style transport system (PKS's are Polish suburban and intercity bus companies). As a result, bus is not the most attractive mean of transport. One more thing about MAN - articulated buses spend whole holidays in bus depot.

Comments: 5

Jelcz PR110M #001

22 june 2009 - Siedlce, ul. Kolejowa.

Solaris Urbinetto 10 #A318

2 july 2009 - Warszawa, Ursynow Pln. loop. I tried to illustrate expression ''it is about to rain''.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: Mobilis Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa

Comments: 6

MAN NG313 #3356

9 july 2009 - Warszawa, ul. Saska.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa | Route: 509

Comments: 2

Solaris Urbino 18 #8414

6 july 2009 - Warszawa, Trakt Brzeski street. The Palace of Culture and Science welcomes visitors coming from the East. Here it`s seen from the distance of 14 kilometres.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa | Route: 704

Comments: 2

Konstal 805Na #1576

4 july 2009 - Łódź, Wolnosci Place (Place of Freedom). In this interesting place bus appears every minute, rickshaw - every 2 minutes, and every 5 minutes a tramway appears. I waited here for dvigar, who is actually quite good at Polish - he managed to buy 2 hot-dogs, repel obtrusive Gipsy, and to find a compromise with policemen - although in the las situation he just had to speak in English, so that they felt embarassed and tried to be helpful ;)

Comments: 2

KPNA/Jelcz PR110E #797

23 may 2008 - Lublin, loop on Chodzki street. Rebuilding old PR110Es all the time - speciality of MPK Lublin. Will it ever end?

Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz O345G #2667

30 may 2008 - Lodz, Politechniki avenue. Mercedes Conecto G - just nothing more than ordinar. Appearance - average, interior - average, performance - average, only the motor works quietly. Is there anything about this bus that is better than average? Would anyone buy this bus, if it had no Mercedes star on the front?

Comments: 16

Jelcz M122MB #2620

30 may 2008 - Lodz, Zeromskiego street. Lodz's 405's are slowly getting older - a successor will be needed soon.

Comments: 1

KPNA/Jelcz PR110E #750

21 june 2008 - Lublin, Dworcowy place. Although the rail station has been renewed recently, the place in front of it hasn't be reorganised. The park places are in various places, the bus terminal is not visible after leaving the station, private cars move in various ways without respecting any rules, especially after arrival of popular train.

Comments: 5

Solaris Vacanza 12 #WI 2783A

19 may 2007 - Lublin, central coach station. I wonder how reliable is this bus. The sales are not impressive - 59 pieces have been sold since 2004.

Leyland DAB 7-35-TL11/4 #L10008

13 june 2007 - Lublin, Warszawska avenue. The biggest coach in Lubelskie region. I saw it half a year ago on a PKS city line in Chelm. A characteristic feature of this line was that service on it started at 2 pm.

Comments: 1

Neoplan N4020td #6876

24 june 2009 - Warszawa, Marynarska street. The series of traffic lights on this street are one source of traffic jams during all hours of the day.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa

Comments: 6

DAF SB3000 / Smit Orion #LU 9089C

16 june 2007 - Lublin, Solidarnosci avenue. A Lublin-style motorway in the middle of the city.

Comments: 5

Ikarus 280.26 #1845

27 june 2009 - Lublin, bus depot Majdan Tatarski. It is said that after deliveries of new Mercedeses only 5 Ikaruses will remain. Can you imagine it?

Comments: 13

Solaris Trollino 12S #838

27 june 2009 - Lublin, Droga Meczennikow Majdanka street. Such a trolleybus was bought to service the new trolleybus line going through Orkana street. The built was partly financed by European Union. Next trolleybuses in Lublin will be probably also built by Solaris (70 trolleybuses to 2015), because this company will get the order like any other in recent years in Poland. Meanwhile, MPK wants to test in oncoming months MAZ trolleybus, and, what's new, Belkommunmasz AKSM-420. It cannot be forgotten that MPK was going to begin built of trolleybus using MAZ body in March 2009 - delay is becoming longer and longer and no MAZ body is coming.

Comments: 7

Mercedes-Benz Conecto LF #2311

27 june 2009 - Lublin, Raclawickie avenue. Soon Mercedes #2311 will have 30 more brothers - solo and articulated.

Jelcz M11 #2094

27 june 2009 - Lublin, Rataja street. Jelcz M11 struggling with puddles. In the background - a flyover made of concrete beams - symbol of Gierek period in 1970s.

Comments: 5

Ikarus 280.26 #1816

27 june 2009 - Pan Marian jest wieloletnim, zawodowym kierowcą. Od dawna jeździ przegubowym ikarusem #1816 i idealnie wyczuwa swój sprzęt. Przegubowca, z racji na żółty kolor nazywa ''taksóweczką''. Autobus jest utrzymany w świetnej kondycji i - jak to mówi właściciel wozu - ''wszędzie wejdzie''. Styl jazdy, jaki prezentuje Pan Marian, stoi na najwyższym poziomie. To wszystko w parze z szybkim mostem pozwala pozostawić w tyle solarisy z ich kagańcami. ''Powiedz im tam w tej Warszawie, że tutaj mamy ikarusa szybszego niż wszystkie te nowe solarisy, a jak nie wierzą to niech przyjadą i zobaczą, to im pokażę'' - to kazał mi przekazać Pan Marian. Pozdrawiam więc wszystkich fanów Ikarusów!

Comments: 41

MAN NG363 Lion\`s City G #A214

25 june 2009 - Warszawa, Armii Krajowej avenue. On this glamorous stretch buses go at full speed.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: Michalczewski Radom | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa | Route: 508

Konstal 116Na/1 #3029

24 june 2009 - Warszawa, Chalubinskiego street. The tramway crossing in central part of Jana Pawla II avenue is being rebuilt, so only line 10 stayed on Jana Pawla street. This closure caused huge traffic jams. Special buslanes were introduced, however, many drivers do not respect them and buses have long delays.

Comments: 4

Konstal 116Na #3003

11 june 2009 - Warszawa, Jana Pawła II avenue. Weather was that day changing very fastly.

Comments: 4

Ikarus 280.70E #5507

8 may 2009 - Warszawa, Wersalska street. The street name comes from Louvre from France, in fact, it doesn't seem too luxorious. As you notice in the picture, local cheap alcohol fans apear instead.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa

Solaris Urbino 15 #8017

8 may 2009 - Warszawa, Paryska street. Saska Kepa is one of many districts in Warszawa which is not photographed really frequently.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa

MAN NG313 #3916

31 may 2009 - Warszawa, pętla Bródno Podgrodzie.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa | Route: 169

Konstal 13N #548

31 may 2009 - Warszawa, Wiatraczna roundabout. A lonely 13N tramway if terrified of recently signed contract for 186 new PESA 120Na trams.

Autosan H9-21 #L60528

5 june 2005 - Bogucin, DK12/DK17. Właśnie dodałem do bazy ~60 pojazdów z PKS Lublin, więc najwyższy czas zrobić sobie przerwę i dodać jakieś zdjęcie. Notabene, tego wozu też nie było w bazie! Dobrze byłoby, żeby fotografujący wzięli się trochę za dokumentowanie PKSu, bo braki są spore...

Comments: 11

Jelcz 120MM/1 #4439

1 june 2009 - Warszawa, Warynskiego street. Such view from window is better than view of the sea.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa

Comments: 4

Solaris Urbino 15 #8714

25 may 2009 - Warszawa, wlot ulicy Dolnej do Puławskiej. Miejsce z potencjałem - jeszcze tu wrócę.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa

Comments: 1

Jelcz 043 #WU 01Y

16 may 2009 - Warszawa, Marymont. It's nice to see so many oldtimers at one place.

Ikarus 260.04 #1233

29 may 2009 - Warszawa, Rembertow district, Dokerow street. It`s harder and harder to encounter Ikarus 260.04, even harder to have a ride by it. R-3 Ostrobramska depot is the last one that has 9 of them (total number in MZA: 13).

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa | Route: 183

Comments: 3

Jelcz M181M #7865

31 may 2009 - Warszawa, ul. Wrocławska. Zdjęcie wodowania specjalnie dla Mateusza Krukowskiego.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa

Comments: 3

PNTKM/Jelcz 120MT #021

1 august 2007 - Tychy, Budowlanych street. It looks nice in yellow colour.

Comments: 2

PNTKM/Jelcz 120MT #018

1 august 2007 - Tychy, towarowa street. This 120MT was scrapped in 2008. 120Ms built in 1990s must be withdrawn or rebuilt after 10-year life because of rust destructing the chassis.

KPNA/Jelcz 120MTE #009

1 august 2007 - Tychy, Budowlanych street. I met and photographed 009 again - this time with Volvo CNG. These Volvos were probably not the best purchase in Tychy's history.

Comments: 2

KPNA/Jelcz 120MTE #009

1 august 2007 - Tychy, Budowlanych street. In rebuilded trolleybus something must be upgraded - here, for example - doors.

Solaris Trollino 12AC #006

1 august 2007 - Tychy, ul. Metalowa. To trollino to chyba jakiś podrzutek - ani imienia, ani numerka.

Comments: 1

Solaris Trollino 12AC #005

1 august 2007 - Tychy, Paprocany trolleybus loop. Something is too big for your camera? 28mm-long focal and nothing is too big.

Comments: 4

Solaris Trollino 12T #004

1 august 2007 - Tychy, Jaskowicka street. Maybe also Tychy's PR110E should be given names, for example names of Polish kings?

Comments: 11

Jelcz M121I4 #4931

4 april 2009 - Warszawa, Aleksandrów. Straszny pozdrawia całą fotogalerię z cuda polskiej motoryzacji ;)

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa | Route: 115

Comments: 3

Konstal 102Na #205

2 august 2007 - Sosnowiec, 3 Maja street. What a happiness was it to find this tram after half day search for it.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Sosnowiec (Śląskie) | Owner: TŚ Chorzów | Transport Authority: KZK GOP | Route: 15

Comments: 2

Ikarus 280.26 #2452

11 november 2007 - Warszawa, additional place of R-5 Redutowa bus depot. No electric chair, no poison - but a blast furnace. This is waiting for these old Ikaruses.

Comments: 2

Solaris Urbino 18 #8423

28 october 2007 - Warszawa, Wawelska street. Foggy day - characteristic in autumn. There are so few cars in this place only on Sunday.

Author: Jacek Pudło RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: MZA Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa