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Ikarus 260.45 #BPI-635

4 january 2018 - Budapest, Népliget.

Author: Jakub Durdovic RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 254E

Ikarus 260.45 #BPI-638

12 august 2014 - Budapest-Ferencváros, pętla "Népliget M". Siedząc sobie na murku, oddając się chwili odpoczynku oraz możliwości posilenia się w sierpniowe przedpołudnie nie sposób było przepuścić okazję popełnienia zdjęcia, gdzie uchwyciłem trzy Ikarusy na raz. Dodatkiem "do rancza" jest turystyczna Scania Irizar w barwach czeskiej firmy przewozowej Student Agency.

Author: Aleksander2560 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 254E

Comments: 1

Ikarus 412.10C #NAY-267

27 may 2015 - Budapest, Népliget The new back of the bus, with the sticker reminding the 100th anniversary of starting sheduled bus service in Budapest

Author: nemeza RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 254E

Ikarus 412.10C #NAY-267

27 may 2015 - Budapest, Népliget Bus after modernisation. Improved engine cooling - back window closed.

Author: nemeza RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK Budapest | Route: 254E

Ikarus 260.46 #00-95

28 june 2013 - In front of Dél-pest depot, the last time it was outside.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 254E

Comments: 4

Ikarus 260.46 #00-95

28 june 2013 - The interior of the bus, also on its last day.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 254E

Comments: 4

Ikarus 260.46 #00-95

28 june 2013 - On its last service day, at Népliget. After this picture, it had a route on line 254E, then went to Dél-pest garage, and never got back to traffic again :( It was a very good bus, with really nice sound...

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 254E

Comments: 1

Ikarus 260.46 #12-63

2 may 2013 - The inside of the bus after reconstruction. It got back the original dermatoid ceiling (which is only a speciality of the Ikarus 260s built in 1986/87) and the "dotted" rubber floor.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 254E

Comments: 1

Ikarus 260.46 #12-63

2 may 2013 - At Alacskai úti lakótelep, the terminus of line 254E. In 2013 this bus was reconstructed at BKV`s Délpest garage.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 254E

Comments: 2