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Solaris Urbino 12 W13 #221

9 february 2017 - Torino (Italy), piazza Stampalia. Ex Mobilis service number A002 in the very first days of service for Giachino, serving route 69 of GTT Torino (Italy). It has not yet received neither logos nor service number of Giachino.

Author: Alberto Viscardi RSS
Place: Torino (Piemonte) | Owner: Giachino Torino | Transport Authority: GTT | Route: 69

Comments: 9

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #360

25 april 2013 - AMC 360 (ex Syntus Nederland 5198) shows the terminus of the route 45 on public holidays in Torino, Piazza Bengasi.

Author: Alberto Viscardi RSS
Place: Moncalieri (Piemonte) | Owner: CaNova Moncalieri | Transport Authority: GTT | Route: 45

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #366

30 april 2013 - This was the last day for the terminus of the GTT routes 45 and 45/ in Torino, Corso Massimo d'Azeglio ("Torino Esposizioni"). AMC 366 (ex Veolia Nederland 5009) shows its farther terminus, Santena, a town about 20 km far away from Torino.

Author: Alberto Viscardi RSS
Place: Torino (Piemonte) | Owner: CaNova Moncalieri | Transport Authority: GTT | Route: 45