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Ikarus 260.46 #06-23

21 august 2013 - Still at Mexikói út, from its right back side.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 225

Ikarus 260.46 #06-23

21 august 2013 - Its back from the left side with the `Sziget` stickers.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 225

Ikarus 260.46 #06-23

21 august 2013 - It got this appearance for the Sziget festival 2013, where it was a stand of BKK. After the festival, it runned about a month fully stickered. The photo was taken on line 225, at Mexikói út terminus.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 225

Ikarus 260.46 #06-23

27 june 2013 - At Rákospalota-Újpest vasútállomás, during its daytime pause on line 225.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 225

Ikarus 260.46 #03-01

2 april 2013 - As a "backup bus" at Bogdáni út, as usual.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK

Ikarus 280.49 #11-93

30 december 2013 - At line 5`s Buda side terminus, Pasaréti tér.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 5

Comments: 2

Ikarus 280.49 #08-12

4 august 2012 - Tűzesete után, várva, hogy a vontató hazavigye.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 38/138

Ikarus 415.14A #07-80

14 december 2013 - With advertisement on it, at Gazdagréti tér, on line 153.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 153

Ikarus 415.04 #13-80

30 december 2013 - During its pause, on line 21A, at Széll Kálmán tér.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 21A

Ikarus 415.04 #13-79

24 december 2013 - At Budapest, Moszkva/Széll Kálmán tér, on line 156.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 156

Comments: 2

Ikarus 415.04 #13-79

1 july 2013 - At Normafa terminus, on line 21A. This special hood was originally on 13-76, after that on 13-69, and in 2009 this bus got it.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 21

Ikarus 415.04 #13-82

26 january 2013 - At Nyugati pályaudvar metro- and railway station, after its renovation made by the team of Kelenföld garage.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 26

Comments: 15

Ikarus 415.04 #13-72

25 june 2013 - Interior.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 21

Ikarus 415.04 #13-72

25 june 2013 - The inside car number(s). In some buses you can see the old one (before 1999-2000) too - this was one of these.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 21

Comments: 4

Ikarus 415.04 #13-72

25 june 2013 - On its last day in service, at Csillebérc, KFKI on line 21.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 21

Ikarus 260.46 #00-46

17 may 2013 - At Rákoshegy, Ferihegyi út.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 168E

Ikarus 260.46 #00-41

29 april 2013 - Interior at the Buda-side terminus of line 105, Apor Vilmos tér.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 105

Ikarus 260.30M #GNX-307

13 march 2013 - Csepel, Szent Imre tér.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 152

Ikarus 280.49 #17-73

1 march 2013 - Örs Vezér tere.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 85

Ikarus 260.46 #00-40

27 january 2012 - Inside.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 15

Comments: 3

Ikarus 260.46 #00-40

27 january 2012 - At the terminus of line 15, during its short stay at Kelenföld depot.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 15

Ikarus 260.46 #00-39

19 may 2013 - The inside of the bus during its pause at Mexikói út metro-station.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK

Comments: 1

Ikarus 260.46 #00-38

29 august 2013 - The inside of the bus at Blaha Lujza tér terminus.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 99

Ikarus 260.46 #00-38

29 august 2013 - Before its last day in service at Pesterzsébet, Mátyás király tér (the terminus of line 99).

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 99

Ikarus 260.46 #12-63

2 may 2013 - The inside of the bus after reconstruction. It got back the original dermatoid ceiling (which is only a speciality of the Ikarus 260s built in 1986/87) and the "dotted" rubber floor.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 254E

Comments: 1

Ikarus 260.46 #12-63

2 may 2013 - At Alacskai úti lakótelep, the terminus of line 254E. In 2013 this bus was reconstructed at BKV`s Délpest garage.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 254E

Comments: 2

Ikarus 260.46 #12-63

10 june 2011 - Before its reconstruction at Határ út metro-station, on line 194.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 194

Ikarus 412.30A #10-31

28 december 2013 - On line 67, at Örs vezér tere (Kőbánya side).

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 67

Ikarus 412.30A #10-27

28 december 2013 - After its reconstruction, at Örs vezér tere terminus.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 231

Ikarus 412.30A #10-66

28 december 2013 - In its third painting, at Örs vezér tere, on line 131. After its rebuilding, it got the air conditioners of the scrapped 10-32.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 131

Comments: 2

Ikarus 412.30A #10-57

28 december 2013 - Freshly reconstructed az Örs vezér tere )metro and suburban railway station).

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK

Mercedes-Benz O530 #MMM-137

23 december 2013 - At Széll Kálmán tér metro-station. Unfortunately, the old lady was standing right in front of the first door while the bus was there, so I couldn`t take the picture without her on it... :(

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 22A

Ikarus 260.46 #15-29

15 march 2013 - Csepel, Soroksári rév

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 148

Ikarus 260.46 #15-29

15 march 2013 - Csepel, Soroksári rév

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 148

Comments: 3

Ikarus 260.46 #15-29

15 march 2013 - Csepel, Soroksári rév

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 148

Ikarus 260.46 #15-29

15 march 2013 - Csepel, Soroksári rév

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 148

Volvo 7700 #MFW-514

30 december 2012 - Naphegy tér.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BBA Breda | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 178

Mercedes-Benz O530 #1587

5 april 2013 - Nyugati pályaudvar.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Salzburg (Salzburg) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 191

Ikarus 435.06 #05-44

22 june 2013 - Deák Ferenc tér.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: Múzeumbusz 3 - Dél-pesti járat

Comments: 1

Ikarus 412.10C #02-19

10 april 2013 - Csepel, Szent Imre tér.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 152

Comments: 1

Ikarus 280.49 #17-84

15 february 2013 - Csepel, Szent Imre tér.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 38/138

Ikarus 415.04 #13-84

30 june 2013 - At its last day in service, on line 121. Although the bus still exists, it`s fully disassambled, and soon will be dismembered :(

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 121

Comments: 1

Ikarus 280.49 #08-12

5 april 2013 - BPO-812 a leégése után pár hónappal.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 38/138

Ikarus 260.46 #16-66

16 july 2013 - BPI-666 (az ördög busza) Garázsmenetben.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK

Ikarus 260.45 #16-34

21 june 2013 - BPI-634 a Dél-Pesti autóbuszgarázs bejárata előtt.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK

Ikarus 260.46 #06-66

23 june 2013 - BPO-666 vázában továbbélő BPO-321 az Árpád hídnál.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 120

Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz O530 #LYH-119

22 november 2013 - LYH-119 Ex. F-ZZ 484 at Budapest.

Author: BPI-634 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK

Comments: 2

Solaris Trollino 12 #601

13 january 2013 - Budapest, Kálvin tér M, 83-as vonal

Author: fafax RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 83

Volvo 7700 #MFW-512

13 january 2013 - Budapest, Üllői út (Kálvin tér M), linia 115
Długo czekałem (ku zniecierpliwieniu towarzyszki) na niezmąconą możliwość pstryknięcia rozkładania opałek, a tu volvo akurat raczyło ruszyć. Tyle że chyba akurat w efekcie fajnie wyszło.

Author: fafax RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 115

Mercedes-Benz O530 #MDV-382

14 january 2013 - On its regular line, at Kosztolányi Dezső tér terminus. All the four Citaros with MDV-38x registration plate belongs to lines 114/213/214.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: VT-Arriva Székesfehérvár | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 214

Mercedes-Benz O530 #MDV-383

19 january 2013 - At Újbuda-központ terminus, on line 53.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: VT-Arriva Székesfehérvár | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 53

Comments: 1

Mercedes-Benz O530 #MDV-381

5 january 2013 - On line 213, at Budatétény, Campona.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: VT-Arriva Székesfehérvár | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 213

Volvo 7700 #MFW-502

19 january 2013 - At Széll Kálmán tér / Moszkva tér, on line 149.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 149

Mercedes-Benz O530 #LYH-110

9 february 2013 - At Szentlélek tér, the terminus of line 137.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 137

Mercedes-Benz O530 #LYH-111

31 may 2013 - At Újpest-központ subway-station. Since then, the low-floor service on line 147 is provided by VT-Transman with Volvo Alfa Localo buses.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 147

Mercedes-Benz O530 #LYH-115

16 november 2013 - Due to the low readiness of the Ikarus 405 buses, some \"midi lines\" are served with normal buses. Line 237 is one of these, it\`s operating with Ikarus 260 and Mercedes O530 Citaro buses. The photo was taken on that line, at its terminus, Szentlélek tér. The bus has the front of LYR-131, and even earlier, this front belonged to LYH-109. Now, LYR-131 has LYH-115\`s front, and LYH-109 has the one which was originally for LYR-131. It\`s interesting to see, how they unnecessarily change the parts of the buses :)

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 237

Mercedes-Benz O530 #LYH-116

31 july 2013 - At Hűvösvölgy terminus. This bus is the first (and so far the only) which got new, openable windows, because during the summers (if the air condition does not operate), it`s extremely hot in these buses.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 257

Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz O530 #LYH-119

14 october 2013 - At Újpest-központ subway-station, terminus, on line 25. This was the first Citaro, which got the new sky-blue colour.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 25

Comments: 3

Mercedes-Benz O530 #LYH-130

25 july 2013 - At Hűvösvölgy terminus, in the new, sky-blue colour.

Author: BPO-161 RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 57

Mercedes-Benz O530 #LYH-113

2 november 2013 - Budapest, Hűvösvölgy

Author: Kóródy Ádám RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: BKV Budapest | Transport Authority: BKK | Route: 57