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MAN NL293 Lion`s City #554

7 august 2021 - 17:44 - Opole, ul. Ozimska.
12 Grotowice → Wrocławska CH.

Author: Grzegorz Macura RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 12

MAN NL323-15 Lion`s City LL #434

7 august 2021 - 17:44 - Opole, rondo Zgrzebnioka.
17 Częstochowska Działki → Dambonia.

Author: Grzegorz Macura RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 17

Comments: 1

Solaris Urbino 12 #564

6 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Nysy Łużyckiej.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 7

Solaris Urbino 12 #566

6 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Reymonta.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 14

Solaris Urbino 12 #567

6 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Armii Krajowej.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Solaris Urbino 12 #572

6 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Nysy Łużyckiej.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 3

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #476

6 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Reymonta.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 12

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #475

6 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Książąt Opolskich.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 3

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #539

6 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Budowlanych.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #534

6 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Armii Krajowej.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #546

6 august 2021 - Opole, łącznik ulic Armii Krajowej i Reymonta. Objazd spowodowany remontem fragmentu ulicy 1 Maja, a także budową Centrum Przesiadkowego. Podczas stałej organizacji ruchu można tu skręcić z łącznika jedynie w prawo, a autobusy MZK tędy nie kursują.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #554

6 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Armii Krajowej.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #561

6 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Damrota.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 11

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #470

6 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Dubois.

Author: jacekso RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 12

Solaris Urbino 12 #571

22 may 2021 - Opole, ul. Korfantego

Author: Marcin Łańko (su44) RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Solaris Urbino 12 #565

22 may 2021 - Opole, ul. Kołłątaja

Author: Marcin Łańko (su44) RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

MAN NL323-15 Lion`s City LL #430

12 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Wojciecha Korfantego.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #525

12 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Kazimierza Pużaka.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 28

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #513

12 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Wiejska.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 17

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #516

12 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Wojciecha Korfantego.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

Comments: 3

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #507

12 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Wojciecha Korfantego.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #470

25 october 2020 - 12:42; Opole, ulica Piastowska / Katedralna.

Author: Adam C. RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #484

25 october 2020 - 12:50; Opole, ulica Spychalskiego.

Author: Adam C. RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #480

25 october 2020 - 12:51; Opole, ulica Spychalskiego.

Author: Adam C. RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #484

25 october 2020 - 13:11; Opole, ulica Cmentarna.

Author: Adam C. RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #477

25 october 2020 - 13:17; Opole, ulica Cmentarna.

Author: Adam C. RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #533

25 october 2020 - 13:49; Wawelno, ulica Nowowiejska.

Author: Adam C. RSS
Place: Komprachcice (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 8

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #542

25 october 2020 - 14:23; Opole - Czarnowąsy, droga dojazdowa do Elektrowni Opole.

Author: Adam C. RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Solaris Urbino 12 #567

11 october 2020 - Opole, Pileckiego St. An overhead view of Urnino IV. In the background Opole East Station.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

Comments: 1

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #512

12 august 2020 - Opole, Piastowska St. Seen behind the trees is very nice tenement house at Szpitalna St. 3. Buses 509-513 have been delivered in February 2012. Whole batch has mileage of about 700k kilometres, yet all of them still look quite fresh.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 7

MAN NL253-10,5 Lion`s City M #305

3 september 2020 - Opole, Szarych Szeregów St. School line Sz1 is the only form of public transport that uses this street. Blocks of flats in the background hardly changed since the 80s.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: Sz1

Comments: 5

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #516

10 august 2020 - Opole, Wojska Polskiego St. After #516`s heavy accident in August 2019 it took 10 months to repair and get it back on the streets.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 4

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #508

13 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Władysława Reymonta.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 12

Solaris Urbino 12 #563

13 august 2020 - Opole, Ozimska St. If you are visiting Opole, OnTime app (avalaible free at Google Play and App Store, as well as in browser) comes very handy. It offers all timetables, and shows vehicle positions and traffic live.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 4

Solaris Urbino 12 #572

11 august 2020 - Opole, Pużaka St. The bus, bicykle road and foliage are all brand new. Opole is changing fast.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

Solaris Urbino 12 #564

21 august 2020 - Opole, 1 May St., Plebiscytowa St. and Fabryczna St. crossroads.Those century old houses are crying for some renovation. And fast!

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 3

Comments: 2

MAN NL323-15 Lion`s City LL #431

15 july 2020 - Komprachcice, Niemodlińska: At the bus stop "Komprachcice - Centrum" I had the opportunity to photograph this MAN NL323-15 Lion`s City LL by MZK Opole with the number 431 and the registration "OP 7742E".

Author: marco-materlik RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 8

Comments: 1

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #539

15 july 2020 - Opole, Jagiełły St., bridge over Mała Panew river.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 6

Solaris Urbino 12 #565

2 july 2020 - Opole, Bławatków St. In order to serve Borki district (up to 2016 a separate village) line 21 cruises through very narrow roads like this one.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 7

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #550

1 july 2020 - Opole, Szkolna St. Line 15 was supposed to be routed via Szkolna only temporarily. But it`s been 3 and half years here already with no visible change on the horizon.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 9

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #557

16 june 2020 - Opole, Rondo im. Antosia Petrykiewcza.

Author: marcin.macha RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 28

Solaris Urbino 12 #570

13 june 2020 - Opole, ul. Cmentarna. Pierwsze co mi się rzuciło w oczy - pełne oświetlenie w technologii LED, jest jasno i wyraźnie. Nie jechałem, nie wiem jak z jakością wykonania, podobno jest głośno.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

Comments: 1

Solaris Urbino 12 #566

13 june 2020 - Opole, ul. Cmentarna.
Solaris z motywem lokalnej podstawówki, trochę padało.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

Comments: 1

Solaris Urbino 12 #570

12 june 2020 - Opole, Freedom St. The passengers numbers are steadily climbing back up again due to loosening of COVID-19 related restrictions.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 5

Solaris Urbino 12 #569

12 june 2020 - Opole, Jagiełły St. terminus. A reference shot of Urbino`s rear end.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 8

Solaris Urbino 12 #568

12 june 2020 - Opole, Witosa Av. Line 15 about to start its journey towards Winów.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 6

Solaris Urbino 12 #567

12 june 2020 - Opole, Kings Jan III Sobieski St. The original RFP allowed only for engines up to 7 liters. After series of questions it was changed to up to 12 liters. Instead of small Cummins engines, Solaris decided to offer DAF MX-11 . So we welcome them for the very first time in the history of MZK Opole.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 3

Solaris Urbino 12 #571

12 june 2020 - Opole, Głogowska St. At last New Urbino have debuted. This neighborhood is a great contrast to the shiny new buses.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 7

MAN NL323-15 Lion`s City LL #430

17 may 2020 - Opole, Spychalskiego St. From May 18th on the COVID-19 related restrictions in passenger numbers will be loosened. In this example #430 will be able to carry 39 instead of 19 passengers.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 13

Comments: 3

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #482

11 july 2019 - Opole, ul. Zbożowa → ul. Wspólna.
Przegub wyjeżdża z tymczasowej ulicy Zbożowej, która dzisiaj jest już jej obowiązującym śladem. Wcześniej ta ulica biegła w miejscu obecnej nowej obwodnicy (w głębi zdjęcia, tam gdzie widać maszyny budowlane).

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #480

14 february 2020 - Opole, ul. Imbirowa → ul. Śliczna.
Obie ulice tylko z nazwy. W ogóle to cała okolica nadaje się do wpisania na listę polskiego dziedzictwa 100 lat planowania przestrzeni publicznej, bo jest tutaj wszystko: bezpłciowa zabudowa, droga szutrowa, znaki ostrzegające przed bawiącymi się na ulicy dziećmi... Komunikacja miejska tutaj jednak dotarła. Widoczny kurs zabrał trzy osoby, po czym musiał pokonać ten dość trudny profil, żeby ruszyć ku względnej normalności.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 17

Comments: 7

Jelcz M11 #634

16 december 2011 - Opole, ul. Strzelecka. Kultowy wóz, kultowa wiata i kultowe kolory. Czyli coś ciekawego się da jeszcze wygrzebać z fotograficznego archiwum. Dwa lata później wiata została zamieniona na szklaną, a wóz został wycofany z eksploatacji.

Author: HC RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 11

Comments: 2

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #557

11 february 2020 - Opole, May the 1st St. Due to low passengers numbers during COVID-19 pandemic, line`s 25 frequency has been cut from 30 minutes down to approx. 90.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 4

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #475

13 march 2020 - Opole, Sienkiewicza St, Osmańczyka St., Oleska St. intersection. Usually at 6.15 AM this place is too crowded both on the streets and sidewalks to even attempt a picture. However due to coronavirus outbreak there`s nobody in sight. Even though this picture was taken a few days before official lockdown.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 8

Comments: 7

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #531

13 march 2020 - Opole, Armii Krajowej St. Due to COVID-19 outbreak MZK Opole took some safety measures. Front doors and adjacent area is now blocked for passengers and the doors are no longer self-opened by passengers. For the period from 3/16/2020 until 3/25/2020 summer timetable has been announced.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 15

MAN NG323 Lion`s City G #479

26 february 2020 - Opole, Złota St. Articulated bus on the line 7 can be seen only once a working day. From Złota it positions to Oświęcimska Osiedle stop and continues as line 8.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 7

Comments: 5

MAN NL253-10,5 Lion`s City M #307

26 february 2020 - Opole, Złota St. This new terminus Złota Railway Station is supposed to integrate rail and bus transport. Problem is, the sole line here usually departures every 60 minutes, and 120+ minutes at weekends. No matter how to spin it, one cannot call it an attractive offer whatsoever.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 7

Comments: 10

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #512

26 february 2020 - Opole, Sosnkowskiego St. I`m not the greatest urban art fan in the world, but I find this wall art quite interesting indeed.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 17

Comments: 5

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #531

2 february 2020 - Opole, ul. Stanisława Spychalskiego. Z widokiem na opolskie blokowiska i katedrę.

Author: wg RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

Comments: 8

MAN NL293 Lion`s City #556

2 february 2020 - Opole, ul. Niemodlińska.

Author: wg RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 13

Comments: 12